Gutierrez never imagined that a summer of service at a local Claretian parish would transform his dream of becoming a rockstar into a calling to serve God. “If you are asking God to show you a path, be prepared and willing to follow it,” he advises.
In 2013, Gutierrez participated in the Claretian Summer Mission experience, spending his summer volunteering at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Perth Amboy, NJ. The friendships he formed and the faith he witnessed left a lasting impact, ultimately shaping his journey. In 2020, he returned as a seminarian, and on November 6, 2024, he celebrated his ordination as a transitional deacon with the Claretian Missionaries USA-Canada Province.
Gutierrez inspiring journey serves as a powerful reminder that God’s call can come at any time—we just have to be ready to answer.
The original story was published by The Catholic Spirit on February 18, 2025. To learn more about the Claretian Summer Mission experience, visit: